The Burke-Gilman Trail (BGT) serves as a major transportation corridor from Golden Gardens Park in Seattle and connects to the Sammamish River Trail in Bothell for commuters and recreational users. Completing the 1.4-mile segment through the Ballard/Interbay Northend Manufacturing and Industrial Center (BINMIC) known as the “missing link” will finally provide a continuous route.
Community stakeholders have long opposed the completion of the missing link due to the large number of heavy trucks using the existing street network in this area, so Perteet and its teaming partners have been comprehensive in evaluating the needs of traffic, parking, freight, transit, bicycles, and pedestrians across a broad swath of South Ballard to make sure the safety and mobility needs of all users are represented in the final design. Phase 1 along NW Market Street between 24th Avenue NW and the Ballard Locks was completed in 2020 and incorporated the multiuse trail with street upgrades, including bicycle-pedestrian mixing zones, transit improvements, and new urban design features that integrate with the Nordic Heritage Museum.