As a result of the 2017 Jolly Mountain Fire which threatened the Cities of Roslyn and Cle Elum and the Suncadia Resort, a project was developed to increase emergency preparedness and coordination between the upper county communities, also including the Town of South Cle Elum. Seeded by grant funds from Puget Sound Energy provided to the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce, Perteet was selected to lead the project which began by forming a project team and developing a scope of work and project deliverable that was desired and needed by the communities. For this project, Perteet facilitated the project team meetings to develop project scope and deliverables, which included an emergency preparedness plan that allows all communities to coordinate and work together during an emergency, strengthening response capability, increasing efficiency, and ensuring a united front during emergencies. Perteet led project team meetings and individual workgroups to gather information to inform the plan development. At the end of the project, Perteet facilitated a tabletop exercise which included representatives from the participating agencies, state agencies, and local law enforcement.